Michael & Lucy Steiner Study Abroad Scholarship

The Michael & Lucy Steiner Study Abroad Scholarship provides $750 each year to an American Studies major, minor, or graduate student at California State University Fullerton to help offset the costs of CSUF Study Abroad, Study Away, or other CSUF travel and scholarship programs. Established by the Steiner family, their colleagues, students, friends, and CSUF American Studies alumni, the scholarship honors Mike and Lucy Steiner's commitment to traveling, regionalism, and transnational understandings of America. Upon return, all Steiner scholarship recipients are expected to visit an American Studies class to report on the experience, write a thank-you note for the Steiner Scholarship webpage, or otherwise help encourage students to participate in this opportunity.

To be eligible, students must have earned at least 9 units in American Studies and be accepted into a CSUF travel and study program. To apply, you must fill out the application form and attach a statement of approximately 500 words describing your financial needs, reasons for studying abroad, and the role of American Studies in your journey. Criteria for selection include financial need, scholarship, and the quality of the statement of purpose. Applications are due to the American Studies Department office in GH 313 or emailed to Sandra Medina by 5:00 PM, March 1. 

Application FormPDF File

STeiner Scholarship REcipients by Year

Year Awarded


2023 Celest Hernandez
2022 Natalie Brunjes
2020 Samantha Montalvo
2019 Grace Johnson
2018 Aliza Alvarado
2017 Kelsey Scout Ikemiya
2016 Alexandra Reyna

Photograph of Alexandra Reyna Photograph of Aliza Alvaredo  Photograph of Grace Johnson Woman in front of phone booth

Mike & Lucy Steiner Study Abroad Scholarship recipients: Alexandra Reyna, Aliza Alvarado, Grace Johnson, and Celest Hernandez