Community Engagement

 The American Studies Department is committed to engaging with the community both inside and outside of CSUF. Faculty members and students work with groups at local, national, and global levels to promote the larger goals and values of the university and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.  Sometimes this involves voluntering in service-learning projects or providing materials to local schools to enhance the curriculum. At other times, this invovles giving invited talks or helping to plan academic or public events.  We will be updating this space with examples of the ways that the department and its faculty and students engage with the community. 


Department Statements

Statement against Anti-Asian Racism and Violence

Black History Month ResourcesPDF File

Letter of Support for the Department of African American Studies and Statement on Racial Violence in the U.S.PDF File

Statement on CSUF Hate Speech Incidents


Department Forums

Over the last two years, the AMST department has hosted three forums in which students, faculty, staff, and alumni have come together to discuss recent events both on and off campus. The first two of these forums explored issues of race and power as revealed in the recent hate speech incidents on campus and the ongoing police killings of African Americans. The third analyzed the January 6th 2021 insurrection at the Capitol. Here are some resources that have come out of those Forums.

Race, Power, and AMST IIPDF File