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American Studies Student Association

The American Studies Student Association (ASSA) is an active student group on campus that supports the American Studies student journal, The American Papers , sponsors guest lectures by visiting scholars, and hosts student-faculty gatherings such as bowling, game, and movie nights. 

American Studies majors, grad students, minors, students, and interested others are encouraged to attend ASSA events and meetings and get to know their fellow ASSA members. Students may join and become active in the Association at any point -- if you miss a meeting or event, don't let that keep you from participating when you can!

If you are interested, please contact Professor Fingal.

ASSA Constitution

Related Links:

CSUF Clubs and Organizations

two women sitting behind a desk with a blue tablecloth behind signs that say ASSA

three women and one man holding up copies of the American Papers with a black voer in front of a backdrop of posters

8 students in Halloween costumes standing in front of a Happy Halloween sign