Undergraduate Advising
For advising on the American Studies major or minor please contact the Deparment Chair, Dr. Carrie Lane, at clane@fullerton.edu or 657-278-3748. You can also schedule a meeting with H&SS American Studies Advisor Raymond Gandara or contact him at rgandara@fullerton.edu or 657-278-1069 (HUM 102). To meet with another faculty advisor, contact the American Studies department office (GH-313; 657-278-2441) for a list of faculty office hours or click on a faculty member's name on the Faculty listing page to see their office hours for the current semester.
For advising related to GE, please schedule a meeting with Raymond Gandara or contact him at rgandara@fullerton.edu or 657-278-1069.
An AMST 495 internship is one way to satisfy an AMST elective requirement. You can learn more about them on our Internships link opens in a new windowopens in a new window page and/or email amstinternships@fullerton.edu to reach the AMST Internship Coordinator.
If you need a permit to enroll in a course, you should email the instructor.
Once you have earned 85 units, you should apply for graduation. To complete your grad check in American Studies, email an AMST adviser (or amstadvising@fullerton.edu) with your CWID or visit their office hours. In most cases, an appointment is not necessary and an email is sufficient.
Degree Requirements
The Department of American Studies offers a 36 Unit Major and a 21 Unit Minor. Students can also double major in American Studies and an additional field.
We recently updated the requirements for our major and minor so please check your catalog year to ensure you know the correct requirements. If it is prior to Fall 24, you fall under the older requirements. If it is Fall 24 or beyond, you fall under the new requirements. If you have any questions, please consult an AMST advisor.
The Major (Pre-Fall 24)Open Accordion
The 36-unit undergraduate major requires 12 units of American Studies core courses and 24 upper division elective units in American Studies and related fields.
Required Core Courses (12 units):
· AMST 201 - Introduction to American Studies
· AMST 301 - The American Character
· AMST 350 - Theory & Method of American Studies
· AMST 401T - Proseminar in American Studies
All Electives (24 units) must be upper division. They are subject to the following additional requirements:
Students may take all eight elective courses (24 units) in American Studies courses or they may include up to four courses (12 units) from other departments upon approval of a faculty adviser.
All courses taken outside American Studies must also be upper-division. All non- American Studies-related coursework must be substantive rather than skill or how-to courses and must have an American focus or a cross-cultural focus involving America.
Once students have earned 85 units, they should apply for graduation. To complete a grad check in American Studies, students should email an American Studies faculty advisor with their CWID or visit faculty office hours.
The Major (Fall 24 and Beyond)Open Accordion
Foundational (6 units)
- AMST 201 - Introduction to American Studies (3)
- Plus 3 units from the following:
- AMST 300 - Introduction to American Popular Culture (3)
- AMST 301 - American Experiences (3)
- AMST 320 - Women in American Society (3)
- AMST 324 - American Immigrant Cultures (3)
- AMST 332 - Science and Modern America (3)
- AMST 345 - The American Dream (3)
- AMST 395 - California Cultures (3)
- Adviser-approved AMST 300-level course (3)
Advanced (6 units)
- AMST 350 - Seminar in Theory and Method of American Studies (3)
- AMST 401T - Proseminar in American Studies (3
Electives (24 upper-division units)
- 400-level AMST course (3)
- 300- or 400-level courses (21) *
Students may take all 24 units in American Studies or, with adviser approval, may include up to 12 upper-division units from other departments, such as Art, African American Studies, Anthropology, Asian American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Communications, Criminal Justice, English, History, Human Services, Geography, Liberal Studies, Music, Political Science, Psychology or Sociology. These courses may be used to pursue a particular theme or subject, such as race and ethnicity, law and society, gender roles, urbanization, technology, education, the child and the family, and popular culture.
* AMST 101, AMST 131, AMST 132 or an adviser-approved AMST 100-level course may substitute for one 300-level course
The Double MajorOpen Accordion
You might want to consider pursuing coursework in American Studies as part of a double major. You can double count 12 units in another major, applying those units to degree requirements in both American Studies and the other major.
Approximately 40% of American Studies majors are double majors. Below, you can find flyers with plans for some of our most popular combinations of majors.
- African American Studies link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- Anthropology link opens in a new windowopens in a new window
- Chicano Studies link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- Communications link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- Criminal Justice link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- Cinema and Television Arts link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- History link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- Human Communications link opens in a new windowopens in a new window
- Liberal Studies link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- Political Science link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- Psychology link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- Sociology link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pdf filePDF file type
- Women and Gender Studies link opens in a new windowopens in a new window
The Minor (Pre-Fall 24)Open Accordion
The 21-unit undergraduate minor requires 9 units of American Studies core courses and 12 elective units, three of which may be in a related field.
Required Core Courses (9 units):
AMST 201 - Introduction to American Studies
AMST 301 - The American Character*
AMST 401T - Proseminar in American Studies
* Students with a catalog year prior to Fall 2020 may take AMST 345 instead of AMST 301.
Electives (12 units) must be chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser. They are subject to the following requirements:
3 units may be lower division, for example, AMST 101 - Introduction to American Culture Studies.
3 units may be from another department upon approval of an American Studies Department adviser.
The Minor (Fall 24 and Beyond)Open Accordion
The 21-unit undergraduate minor requires 6 units of Foundational courses, 3 units of a Foundational Advanced course, and 12 elective units, 3 of which m
Foundational (6 units)
- AMST 201 - Introduction to American Studies (3)
- Plus 3 units from the following:
- AMST 300 - Introduction to American Popular Culture (3)
- AMST 301 - American Experiences (3)
- AMST 320 - Women in American Society (3)
- AMST 324 - American Immigrant Cultures (3)
- AMST 332 - Science and Modern America (3)
- AMST 345 - The American Dream (3)
- AMST 395 - California Cultures (3)
- Adviser-approved AMST 300-level course (3)
Foundational Advanced (3 Units)
- AMST 401T - Proseminar in American Studies (3)
Electives (12 Units)
- 400-level AMST course (3)
- 300- or 400-level courses (9) *
Students may take all 12 units in American Studies or, with adviser approval, may include one upper-division elective from other departments, such as Art, AfricanAmerican Studies, Anthropology, Asian American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Communications, Criminal Justice, English, History, Human Services, Geography, LiberalStudies, Music, Political Science, Psychology or Sociology.
* AMST 101, AMST 131, AMST 132 or an adviser-approved AMST 100-level course may substitute for one 300-level course
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