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Books by American Studies Faculty

More than pretty boxes cover with a white background and several smaller multicolored boxes arranged in a 3 by 3 square

Carrie Lane
More Than Pretty Boxes
How the Rise of Professional Organizing Shows Us the Way We Work Isn’t Working
University of Chicago Press, 2024

Cover of Love and the Working class showing black and white photgraphs and red print on a tan background

Karen Lystra
Love and the Working Class: The Inner Worlds of Nineteenth Century Americans
Oxford University Press, 2024

A People's Guide to Orange County

Elaine Lewinnek, Gustavo Arellano, and Thuy Vo Dang
A People's Guide to Orange County
University of California Press, 2022

As If She Were Free: A Collective Biography of Women and Emancipation in the Americas

Terri L. Snyder, Erica L. Ball, and Tatiana Seijas, eds.
As If She Were Free: A Collective Biography of Women and Emancipation in the Americas
Cambridge University Press, 2020

Horace M. Kallen in the Heartland: The Midwestern Roots of American Puralism

Michael Steiner
Horace M. Kallen in the Heartland: The Midwestern Roots of American Puralism
University Press of Kansas, 2020

The American Robot: A Cultural History

Dustin Abnet
The American Robot : A Cultural History
University of Chicago Press, 2020

Framed By War: Korean Children and Women at the Crossroads of US Empire

Susie Woo
Framed By War: Korean Children and Women at the Crossroads of US Empire, 
New York University Press, 2019

Men without Maps: Some Gay Males of the Generation before Stonewall

John Ibson
Men without Maps: Some Gay Males of the Generation before Stonewall
University of Chicago Press, 2019

The Mourning After: Loss and Longing Among Midcentury American Men

John Ibson
The Mourning After: Loss and Longing Among Midcentury American Men
University of Chicago Press, 2018

Monsters in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching What Scares Us

Adam Golub and Heather Richardson Hayton, eds.
Monsters in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching What Scares Us
McFarland, 2017

Digital Participatory Culture and the TV Audience: Everyone's a Critic

Sandra M. Falero
Digital Participatory Culture and the TV Audience: Everyone's a Critic
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016

Anthropologies of Unemployment: New Perspectives on Work and its Absence

Carrie M. Lane and Jong Bum Kwon, eds.
Anthropologies of Unemployment: New Perspectives on Work and its Absence
Cornell University Press, 2016

The Power to Die: Slavery and Suicide in British North America

Terri Snyder
The Power to Die: Slavery and Suicide in British North America
University of Chicago Press, 2015

Terri Snyder  The Power to Die: Slavery and Suicide in British North America  University of Chicago Press, 2015

Elaine Lewinnek
The Working Man's Reward: Chicago's Early Suburbs and the Roots of American Sprawl
Oxford University Press, 2014

Regionalists on the Left: Radical Voices from the American West

Michael C. Steiner
Regionalists on the Left: Radical Voices from the American West
University of Oklahoma, 2013

Masked Voices: Gay Men and Lesbians in Cold War America

Craig M. Loftin
Masked Voices: Gay Men and Lesbians in Cold War America
SUNY Press, 2012

Letters to ONE: Gay and Lesbian Voices from the 1950s and 1960s

Craig M. Loftin
Letters to ONE: Gay and Lesbian Voices from the 1950s and 1960s
SUNY Press, 2012

A Company of One: Insecutiry, Independence, and the New World of White-Collar Unemployment

Carrie M. Lane
A Company of One: Insecutiry, Independence, and the New World of White-Collar Unemployment
Cornell University Press, 2011

Empty Pleasures: The Story of Artificial Sweeteners from Saccharin to Splenda

Carolyn Thomas
Empty Pleasures: The Story of Artificial Sweeteners from Saccharin to Splenda
University of North Carolina Press, 2010

Dangerous Intimacy: The Untold Story of Mark Twain's Final Years

Karen Lystra
Dangerous Intimacy: The Untold Story of Mark Twain's Final Years
University of California Press, 2004

Many Wests: Place, Culture, & Regional Identity

Michael Steiner and David Wrobel, eds.
Many Wests: Place, Culture, & Regional Identity
University Press of Kansas, 1997

Mapping American Culture

Michael Steiner and Wayne Franklin, eds.
Mapping American Culture
University of Iowa Press, 1992

Searching the Heart: Women, Men, and Romantic Love in Nineteenth Century America

Karen Lystra
Searching the Heart: Women, Men, and Romantic Love in Nineteenth Century America
Oxford University, 1989

Meetings & Alcôves: Gauches et sexualités en Europe et aux Etats-Unis depuis 1850

Jesse Battan, Thomas Bouchet and Tania Régin, eds.
Meetings & Alcôves: Gauches et sexualités en Europe et aux Etats-Unis depuis 1850
University Editions of Dijon, 2004

The Body Electric: How Strange Machines Built the Modern American

Carolyn Thomas
The Body Electric: How Strange Machines Built the Modern American
NYU Press, 2003

Brabbling Women: Disorderly Speech and the Law in Early Virginia

Terri Snyder
Brabbling Women: Disorderly Speech and the Law in Early Virginia
Cornell University Press, 2003

Picturing Men: A Century of Male Relationships in Everyday American Photography

John Ibson
Picturing Men: A Century of Male Relationships in Everyday American Photography
Smithsonian Press, 2002

In Cold Fear: The Catcher in the Rye Censorship Controversies and Postwar American Character

Pamela Steinle
In Cold Fear: The Catcher in the Rye Censorship Controversies and Postwar American Character
Ohio State University Press, 2000

Measuring Minds: Henry Herbert Goddard and the Origins of American Intelligence Testing

Leila Zenderland
Measuring Minds: Henry Herbert Goddard and the Origins of American Intelligence Testing
Cambridge University Press, 1998


John Ibson, Will the World Break Your Heart?: Dimensions and Consequences of Irish-American Assimilation (Garland, 1990)

Michael Steiner & Clarence Mondale, Region and Regionalism in the United States: A Source Book for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Garland, 1988)

Wayne Hobson, The American Legal Profession and the Organizational Society, 1890-1930 (Garland, 1986)

Allan Axelrad, History and Utopia: A Study of the World View of James Fenimore Cooper (Norwood, 1978)

Leila Zenderland, ed., Recycling the Past: Popular Uses of American History (Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1978)