American Studies Students
We are proud to have some of the most motivated and intellectually curious students on campus as our majors, minors, and graduate students. Few students enter Cal State Fullerton knowing they want to major in American Studies. More often, students find us through our General Education courses, where they identify with our commitment to moving beyond stereotypes and oversimplifications to embrace the true complexity of American culture--past, present, and future. We encourage our students to critically engage with the world around them and we give them the interdisciplinary tools to help them do so, offering courses on everything from television to teenagers, cartoons to crime, pop music to political movements. Many of our students are double majors, and we work to tailor each student's course plan to their unique goals and interests.
We're a small department with a lively, diverse community of students and faculty. Our shared commitment to exploring American culture spills beyond the classroom, into movie nights, guest lectures, social gatherings, and walking tours of downtown Los Angeles. Our active Student Association hosts events and raises funds to support our students in presenting papers at academic conferences around the country, and each we showcase our best student work in the student-run journal American Papers.
To learn more about majoring or minoring in American Studies, check out our Undergraduate Program link opens in a new windowopens in a new window or Undergraduate Advising link opens in a new windowopens in a new window pages or make an appointment with an advisor to discuss how American Studies can fit into your academic career. To learn more about our M.A. Program link opens in a new windowopens in a new window, please email Dr. Abnet link opens in a new windowopens in a new window. If you're already wondering what you might do with an American Studies degree--and believe us, there are many, many options--we've gathered some information and advice on our Careers link opens in a new windowopens in a new windowin American Studies page.
Campus Resources
Academics Overview
Degrees and Majors
Continuing Education
Pollak Library
Academic Advisement
Course Catalog
Admissions & Aid
Office of Admissions
Prospective Students Degrees and Majors
Financial Aid
For First-Time Freshman
For Transfer Students
For Graduate Students
For International Students
Outreach and Recruitment
Campus Tours
Student Life
Division of Student Affairs
Housing and Residential Engagement
Financial Resources
Academic Resources
Student Services
Health and Wellness
Join a Club
Campus Dining
Career Center
About CSUF
CSUF Overview
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion
Campus Calendar
College of the Arts
College of Business and Economics
College of Communications
College of Education
Engineering & Computer Science
College of Health and Human Development
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Office of the President
Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Division of Administration and Finance
Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion
Division of Information Technology
Division of Student Affairs
University Advancement
Emergency & Wellness
Campus Police
Emergency Information
Student Health Center
Student Wellness / Counseling Services
Title IX Reporting
Services & Supplies
Academic Advisement
Titan One-Stop Shop
Associated Students, Inc.
Disability Support Services
Student Software
Faculty & Staff Software
Web Email
Getting Here
Campus Map and Direction
Visitor Information
A through - Z index
Campus Calendar
Information For:
Parents and Families